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Smuttynose Murders

Smutynose murder axTHE HISTORY BEHIND

We cannot shake this murder from our sleep. In March 1873 three Norwegian women were attacked in the dead of night on Smuttynose Island. Two died. One survived to condemn a local fisherman. Read the historic facts behind the "Weight of Water" in our detailed Smuttynose Murder section on
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Smuttynose Murder Articles List

Smuttynose 101: A Quick Murder Study
Start your research here with our unique cram course
on the story behind "The Weight of Water"

NEW:  Legends of Samuel Haley
The "King" of Smuttynose Island

NEW:  Spring Cleaning On-Island (Photos)

“Weight of Water” the Movie
Why the movie bombed but is still worth renting

Critics Weigh In on "Weight of Water" Movie
Some actually liked it, most didn't

My Night on Smuttynose by Sarah, Age 9
Telling scary stories in the attic of the Haley House

Smuttynose Weather Photos
Just another dramatic sunset on the island

Smuttynose Diaries: Part One
Life on Smuttynose Island today, two parts

Smuttynose Diaries Part Two

Maren's Actual Testimony
A transcript of what she actually said style="FONT-WEIGHT: normal">

Interview with author of "With an Axe"
A study of the most famous blade murderers style="FONT-FAMILY: ">

Celia's Poem about Karen
Poet Celia Thaxter had hired Karen at the Appledore

Anatomy of an Ax Murder
The complete summary of the gruesome Isles of Shoals crime

A Smuttynose Sunrise
Contemporary photos of a colorful sky

The Smuttynose Press Clippings
An enormous resource showing actual news articles

Louis and OJ Beat the Media
Parallels between two famous murder trials

Chronicle Shoots Smuttynose
We visit the isaldn with Mary RIchardson of Boston TV

Unseen Painting of Hontvet House
A rare water color by Portsmouth's Sarah Haven Foster

See Detailed 1873 Shoals Map
Published the same year as the tragedy

I Met Louis Wagner!
An old Shoaler says murderer rocked his cradle

Wreck of the Seguntum (poem)
A tragedy on Smuttynose 60 winters before the murders

Death on Smuttynose 1813
Sixty years before Louis Wagner, more than a dozen died here. Or did they?

Smuttynose Fever Spreads
Written as Weight of Water film was on the horizon

Dagger Found in 1904
Re-discovered article raises more questions than answers

Did Louis Really Do It?
A summary of the top conspiracy theories

A Memorable Murder
Celia Thaxter's lengthy account for Atlantic Monthly in 1875

The Ballad of Louis Wagner
The complete lyrics by Portsmouth singer John Perrault

Celia's Letter to a Friend
First person account written just after the murder

Louis Considers Louis
Oscar winner Louis de Rochemont never finished his killer movie


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