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Best Piscataqua Map Online

Piscataqua Maritime Map/

A quick tip for travel planners who want to know what’s what and where’s where in Seacoast NH and South Coastal Maine. This original map includes all key roads, waterways and maritime points of interest. And you won’t find this on Google Maps or Mapquest.




Interactive Piscatqua Maritime Map

If you own a copy of the best book about the Seacoast, then you have this map already. It comes as a fold-out on heavy water-resistant stock inside "Cross-Grained and Wily Waters". That book contains 75 essays that, combined, offer the best summary of maritime heritage in the Piscataqua region.

But now a wily reader has pointed out that online readers can see this map too. You have two choices. It appears on the Gundalow Company web site. You can use the zippy windowed version if you’re looking for something fast. Move in all directions, zoom out or zoom in. Of view the entire map as a PDF file.

     CLICK FOR fastwindowed version  
     CLICK FOR PDF version  

The map is ideal for getting to know the waterways of the Piscataqua River with all its connecting towns. Special notes include the locations of topics discussed in the book. Of course then you’ll need the book.

Piscataqua Map on

Map includes the following towns and all major roads and waterways: Kittery, Eliot, Madbury, South Berwick, York, Rollinsford, Lee, Durham, Dover, Newington, New Market, New Castle, Portsmouth, Newfields, Stratham, Greenland, Rye, North Hampton, Exeter, Hampton, Hampton Falls, Kensington, South Hampton, Seabrook, Isles of Shoals.

Map courtesy of Cross-Grained & Wily Waters:
A Guide to the Piscataqua Maritime Region,
Edited by W. Jeffrey Bolster, Portsmouth, NH:
Peter Randall, Publisher, 2002.

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